HomeTreatmentsTear Trough

Tear Trough

Tear Trough (Under-Eyes)

The tear trough, the delicate area beneath the eyes, holds considerable importance in facial appearance.

Its smoothness contributes to a youthful and rested look. However, factors like aging, genetics, and lifestyle can lead to hollowing, puffiness, or dark circles, imparting a tired or aged appearance.

Tear trough fillers play a pivotal role in rejuvenating this area. By carefully injecting filler into the tear trough, volume is restored, shadows are minimized, and the transition between the lower eyelid and cheek is smoothed. This revitalizes the eyes, reducing the appearance of under-eye bags and tiredness.

The benefits of tear trough fillers extend beyond cosmetic enhancement. They can enhance self-esteem, promote a more refreshed facial expression, and even alleviate the psychological impact of looking fatigued.


Frequently Asked

What is the tear trough filler treatment?

It involves injecting dermal filler into the hollows or depressions under the eyes, known as tear troughs or under-eye bags. It is used to address issues like dark circles, hollowness, and bags under the eyes, resulting in a more refreshed and youthful appearance.

How do tear trough fillers work?

Tear trough fillers typically consist of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the skin. When injected, the filler adds volume to the under-eye area, smoothing out hollows and reducing the appearance of dark circles. It can also stimulate collagen production, improving skin quality over time.

Is the procedure painful?

Most patients experience minimal discomfort during the tear trough filler procedure. We use the cannula technique, introducing a small, blunt-tipped needle under the skin, thereby reducing the risk of discomfort and bruising. Additionally, most dermal fillers contain a numbing agent and additional topical numbing cream can be applied to enhance comfort

How long do tear trough fillers last?

The longevity of tear trough fillers can vary among individuals but results typically last around 6 to 12 months. Maintenance treatments may be needed to sustain the desired outcome.

Who is a suitable candidate for tear trough fillers?

Typically, any individual that suffers from hollows under the eyes, dark circles, or a tired appearance who want to achieve a more refreshed look.